Pitt Worx Update and Outage, Feb. 19 - Feb. 20

The Pitt Worx system will be temporarily unavailable from Friday, Feb. 19 at 10 PM ET until Saturday, Feb. 20 at 7 PM ET for a system update. During this time, employees will be unable to access Pitt Worx. 

Those who need to submit time cards for the week of February 14-20 should plan to do so before or after the outage period; time cards cannot be submitted during the system outage. As a reminder, time cards must be submitted and approved by 12 noon on Monday, February 22.

What’s New in Pitt Worx

The Pitt Worx update brings some minor enhancements to system functionality. Beginning on February 22, users can visit the Pitt Worx Hub for updated guidance on completing the following actions:

  • For all employees: Updating Personal Payment Information (Direct Deposit): Employees will now experience a two-step approach to updating direct deposit information, making it easier to change a previous account, if needed. The related reference guide for updating direct deposit will be updated by Monday, February 22.
  • For administrators: Steps for completing a termination employee action: Departments will now enter terminations via Quick Actions (solving an error that previously occurred). Administrators that need to process a termination after the update should follow the updated instructions for voluntary terminations and involuntary terminations on the Pitt Worx Hub. The reference guides will be updated by Monday, February 22.

For questions or concerns about Pitt Worx, please submit an inquiry at www.hr.pitt.edu/contact-ohr.