Pitt Worx Outage, May 21 - May 23

The Pitt Worx system will be temporarily unavailable from Friday, May 21 at 10 PM ET until Sunday, May 23 at 7 PM ET for a system update. During this time, employees will be unable to access Pitt Worx.

Those who need to submit time cards for the week of May 16-22 should plan to do so before or after the outage period; time cards cannot be submitted during the system outage. As a reminder, time cards must be submitted and approved by 12 noon on Monday, May 24.

For those making changes to their benefits during the current Open Enrollment period, you will not be able to make any changes during this outage. Please ensure that you make changes to your elections before or after the outage period.

What's New in Pitt Worx

The Pitt Worx update brings some minor enhancements and adjustments to system functionality. Beginning on May 24, users can visit the Pitt Worx Hub for updated guidance on completing the following action for administrators:

  • Control Defaulting of Effective Date when Completing Employee Actions: Currently, the "When does the assignment start date" field defaults to today's date in the Change Assignment and Termination employee actions. When this feature is enabled, it will default to m/d/yyyy. This will require administrators to enter a date before moving to the next section on the employee action. This will help reduce effective date errors, which previously caused issues with pay.

Throughout the year we will continue to make improvements and updates to Pitt Worx. When these releases take place, we will notify you in advance about possible system outages and what impact that will have on our community. Thank you for your patience as we continuously improve Pitt Worx for our employees. If you have questions or concerns about Pitt Worx, please submit an inquiry at www.hr.pitt.edu/contact-ohr.